Thursday, 3 November 2016

Strawberry Box 
Krispy Kreme Jewellery works with  a range of colours polymer clay to
 make polymer clay items and plain metal bracelet, chain or necklace.
the last project was a nice easy make, so they had a go at making krispy kreme
 doughnuts! link to the -website

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Josette Gripoix

josette gripoix is interested in vintage and
 enamelling and her forcase is on flowers and colour. fashion is also one of 
her things that inspire her jewellery, so what made me chose her work relation to mine, it because we both looking at colour and realistic of what we enjoy and forming texture.

Images of Josette Gripoix work
Deanna Farneti Cera, 1987,Costume Jewellery, Antique Collectors Club, page no229.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

My answer to the research

I will answer my research question by using letter stamping and in my personal project I explored with clay and putty to get the realistic look of the different biscuits and getting the texture of biscuits, but what I found out is that putty was the best material to use it gave the right colour of biscuits and texture. I also incorporate silver work to gave it durability. so what I want to find more is different materials to use in order to get textures and colours.
link to - Pinterest board