Monday 29 February 2016

My Greebles inspired story 

There was a girl born blind called Bubbly heart and everywhere she shared her kind heart people always seemed to have a smile on they faces, when she was 11 yrs she fell very ill and was sent to Doctors, traveled from Hospital to Hospital and seen every kind of Specialist but they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. She spent days which became weeks and turned in to months, with each day passing Bubbly heart gets more ill until one day when all modern medicine failed.

 Her parents decided to take her to a Traditional healer and they discovered that Bubbly heart had a gift that her Ancestors have bestowed upon her the gift to read hearts and see through the vial of life and death, a bright light shines from the eyes of the child and this was the sign that she had a gift. All that was required is the child to accept this gift and start using it to bring peace to the world of good and evil, she also needed a chest piece to connect with and controlling the powers.

She uses the chest piece to read, see other people’s heart and thoughts. Her personality is bubbly and strong, but whenever she feels the connection with someone’s heart or thoughts she becomes soft at the same time  her powers gets stronger and more powerful that when her chest piece helps her not to be cover powered by her powerful gift also.